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My Healing Journey with Chai Chat Therapy (Monday Sessions) – Samea

Chai Chat Therapy is a weekly virtual support group run by an experienced therapist.

Through facilitated weekly 1.5 hour online sessions we will provide women with therapeutic support, guidance, information, and connecting women to further support.

Samea shared her 'Healing Journey with Chai Chat Therapy'.

I am ever so grateful to Aanchal Women’s Aid for providing us with Chai Chat Therapy Sessions.

Whatever we have been through, however long ago, has affected our lives, our self-esteem, or our own being. At the beginning of my journey, I didn't truly understand how much the abuse had affected me.

When I wanted to move on or find peace or ask how I can heal, how I can achieve a goal, the therapy session really helped me find a different way. I know that not one size fits all, so being given alternative therapy and techniques has really helped, different ways of helping different women with different needs.

The sessions have helped me to improve my lifestyle, my sleep patterns, my emotions. The therapist Reeya empowers us and guides us to really focus on self-care. We focus on how to look after ourselves and how to speak kindly to ourselves.

I would always be hard on myself or speak harshly about or to myself, ‘What did you do that for?’ ‘Why didn't you do that or say that?’. I was constantly going back, and feeling guilty for the decisions I had made in the past. The sessions helped me revisit those thoughts, the root of why I was feeling depressed and why I was not happy. I was always looking for answers but never able to find a solution that worked, I’m finding them now.

I thought I had learned to deal with or manage my emotions, but I would have nightmares and pain, anxiety, etc. But therapy has helped to really acknowledge the pain, the trauma, the scars but to have power over them. It has really changed my life, my mind is peaceful now, my nightmares have significantly reduced.

I have learned:

  • Not to allow my emotion to control me
  • To be in control
  • It's ok to release, for instance, cry, but it's important to self-care after

My life is improving, I’m healing faster than my goal. I am able to be consistent with the support of the group. I am building good, happy and healthy habits.  I have learned so much, I am so grateful for this opportunity. Every week I learn a new thing. I look forward to putting this into practice and finding techniques that work best for me.

I can see the benefit of my other fellow sisters that they are also experiencing it too. I know with confidence, I will reach my goal, I am more sure of myself and kind to myself. I am changing as a person. I smile more, people can see my dimple now, I am bubbly. It's so life-changing and I’m ever so grateful for this opportunity.

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