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Volunteer with Us

There are a number of ways you can volunteer for Aanchal Women’s Aid to help support our work. Your time and commitment will make a big difference to us - your skills, experiences and your new ideas can truly benefit our work. Aanchal Women’s Aid values the support of volunteers and many gain employment with us or go on to have a very successful career in domestic and sexual violence charities or similar fields.

How to Apply

We recruit volunteers at regular periods throughout the year. If you are interested in applying, please complete the form below and return to


All volunteers will receive in-house training and be partnered with a qualified Independent Domestic Violence Advocate for the first two months of your volunteering experience.

Laximi’s Experience

“The call to serve has really been in my heart for a long time. I didn’t know how to harness this call until I found Aanchal Women’s Aid. I volunteer twice a week as a Tamil speaking case worker and I get no greater joy than knowing that I make a difference. I know from the wonderful Tamil speaking clients, how important my presence as an interpreter is. I understand how tough life can be so I want the client we serve to think about goodness whenever they think about Aanchal.

I have seen hope rekindled in women who assumed that no one cared for them, and I have seen my colleagues restore faith in those who needed it. I have seen case workers and volunteers rise to any and every predicament and take charge to ensure the best possible journey for those who seek support from us. I have also met women who were helped by Aanchal, and later become volunteers themselves in order to give back to others and to thank us for our contributions. These have been the most rewarding experiences of my life.

I feel very grateful to this wonderful organisation.

I go to each client meeting knowing that we are all connected, and that by the end of our lives, it does not matter what we have accomplished or accumulated, but what really matters is what hearts we have touched, one person at a time.

Being a volunteer at Aanchal has been a wonderful enhancement to my life and I know I will always be a part of it, one way or another.”

Download this form, fill it out and then send it to

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We support the NHS on domestic abuse referrals.
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